Descent of the Ardèche:“The sportive” one from Lanas to the entry of the Cirque de Gens – 12 km (3h00 – 4h00)

A sportive day trip to fully enjoy the variety of the descent!

A little bit longer then the first trip, maybe for a more sportive and enduring target group, but still for rookies too that have a good physical condition.

The departure is in the morning to give you time to rest and observe the fauna and flora, or swim in the river.

This trip can be for the whole day if you take the picnic break.

Advice of the Team

Enjoy and take the whole day.

Canoe trip + time to relax at the Nautic Base (beach, activities and pools) = Great Memories!

The trip

We take you to the little village of Lanas by 4×4 (about 20 min driving from the beach) through the vineyards and off roads.
This is where your adventure starts!

After a few instructions and advices in your language, you are free to start the trip.
The average time for the descent is 3-4hrs, but it all depends on your rythm.

You are in the driving seat since your arrival is at the beach of Isla Cool Douce.

On this trip you will pass a tenfold of little playful rapids.

To position yourself, you’ll pass 3 bridges: the first one is Lanas, the second one is the medieval village Balazuc (classified as one of the most beautiful villages of France) and the third one is Pradons/Chauzon, just before arriving at your destination.

The magical moment

Canoe Kayak Descent

More playful rapids: emotions garanteed and a little bit of adrenaline!

"The Sportive" descent - 12 km


A recap of the conditions to practice free canoeing in a secure way:

  • You have to be 7 yrs old (kids under 7 and being able to swim, can descent with a certified guide => contact us for more info).

  • Being able to swim: minimum 25 m and able to swim under water (not being afraid of the water).

  • A good physical condition: no training needed but in good health and no pains.

  • In practice: please take a look at our tips here Our Advice

Departures and Prices


Isla Formula
(price per person)
Standard Group
(as of 10 canoes)
1-seater kayak €37 €35
2-seater canoe €32 €30
3-seater canoe (in the middle: max 10 years) €26 €24
Private parking €5 in July and August €5 in July and August


April to September
(every day)

Meeting point at Isla Cool Douce in Chauzon.

In order to do your check in without stress, please present yourself 15 min before departure.

The Isla Formula includes:

  • Rent of material: canoe, container, life jacket
  • Entry in the Park (before or after your descent)
  • 1 free drink after your descent!

Means of payment on site

  • Cash
  • Checks
  • Credit Card not accepted

To book:

→ Online: payment by credit card only.

→ For any other means of payment, a specific request or to obtain a quote, do not hesitate to contact us.

I book The Sportive descent online

Kayak 1 place1-seater kayak
Canoë 2/3 places2/3 seater canoe
Participants in Kayak and Canoe (choice of boats in the next stage)
Descent(s) not available on this date or for the number of people indicated