Canoe descent of the Ardèche:The ‘Cool Douce’: from Balazuc to Isla Cool Douce – 8km / 2 to 3 hrs

This trip has everything to please you: different landscapes, a good timing and a few rapids for fun!

This decent is really our « best »! For family and playful, the ideal stretch to leave the joy of Canoeing!
Ideal for half a day!

You will notice the magnificent medieval village Balazuc, classified »most beautiful village of France ». Hooked on the cliffs and hanging over the river, this is one of the touristic hot spots of the South Ardèche!

Just after the village on your right, discover the cooperative ecological hamlet « Viel Audon ». There’s a little beach waiting for you to take a break.

A great discovery to start your trip.

The advice of the team

Take a stop at the Viel Audon

and take a look at their shop – a grocery store with local artisanal products!
Discover a way of living where time stands still!

Maybe you’ll notice their goats?

The trip

We tranport you per Land Rover Defender from Isla Cool Douce to your departure zone, just before the passage under the village Balazuc. The transport takes 15 min.

Before starting your trip, we’ll give you a few professional tips in your language, in order to better take the rapids and the more difficult passages (branches of trees, road blocks, dry side rivers, etc)

On this trip you’ll pass under two bridges and you’ll pass different playful rapids to bring fun in your adventure!

Take your time to fully enjoy this experience: your arrival is at the beach isla Cool Douce.

The trip takes 2-3hrs but there is no time pressure!

Take a stop at the different (normally inaccessible) beaches that you will encounter for a well deserved pauze!

The magical moment

The passage in the forest, sliding in the shadow of the trees.

One feels like in the mangroves!

The exotic side of the descent!

"The Cool Douce" descent - 8 km


A recap of the conditions to practice free canoeing in a secure way:

  • You have to be 7 yrs old (kids under 7 and being able to swim, can descent with a certified guide => contact us for more info).

  • Being able to swim: minimum 25 m and able to swim under water (not being afraid of the water).

  • A good physical condition: no training needed but in good health and no pains.

  • In practice: please take a look at our tips here Our Advice

Departures and Prices


Isla Formula
(price per person)
Standard Group
(as of 10 canoes)
1-seater kayak €32 €30
2-seater canoe €27 €25
3-seater canoe (in the middle: max 10 years) €23 €21
Private parking €5 in July and August €5 in July and August


April to September
(every day)
11am 2pm 3pm (please contact us)

Meeting point at Isla Cool Douce in Chauzon.

In order to do your check in without stress, please present yourself 15 min before departure.

The « Isla Formula » includes:

  • Rent of material: canoe, container, life jacket
  • Entry in the Park (before or after your descent)
  • 1 free drink after your descent!

Means of payment on site

  • Cash
  • Checks
  • Credit Card not accepted

To book:

→ Online: payment by credit card only.

→ For any other means of payment, a specific request or to obtain a quote, do not hesitate to contact us.

I book The Cool Douce descent online

Kayak 1 place1-seater kayak
Canoë 2/3 places2/3 seater canoe
Participants in Kayak and Canoe (choice of boats in the next stage)
Descent(s) not available on this date or for the number of people indicated