Swimming in the river,Sandy beaches, pools with view on the Cirque de Gens

To swim in the Ardèche, I choose Isla Cool Douce, it’s the most beautiful beach in the Ardèche!

You made the right choice! This beautiful beach with natural sand is located just in front of the Cirque de Gens, one of the geological wonders of the South Ardèche. You can have a good swim while you enjoy the fantastic landscape of these cliffs. This natural protected area is a well-known spot between the must-do’s (same level as Vallon Pont d’Arc) for lovers of wide open spaces, climbing and walking.

Swimming in the wild river, a relaxing escape in the shadow of the populars, lifeguarded swimming pools and kids pool for the smaller ones, and more: recreation and games for the sportives: there’s choice for every demand!

With family or with friends, our global team will meet all your requirements with a smile!

Everybody will find a good reason to spend an unforgettable day at the beach!

1 )Over here, I can swim in total security and I take a dive in the Ardèche!

This private swimming spot gives you direct access to the river.

The natural sand which is brought to shore by the Ardèche during the fluds, gives you a smooth descent to the water, without stones.

Go for a swim in total freedom, with or without depth in the crystal water.

For your security, we offer you the possibility of a guarded zone, limited by floating piers, with a lifeguard. The quality of the water is controlled on a two weekly base.

After your water experience you can enjoy the magnificent natural area and relax. Take a breath in the hammocks while you listen to the rippling water. Give yourself a moment of doing nothing.

2 )Over here, I grow up and I amuse myself in the swimming pools

What a pleasure to see your kid take his first swim in a magnificent environment!

For the little ones, and for your security, the nautic base disposes of 3 pools and a big kids pool, completely renewed (and heated by the sun of the Ardèche).
This guarded swimming zone is very appreciated by the kids because they can play without worries under the watchful eye of the lifeguards.

There are showers and toilets at your disposal.
For hygienic reasons, only tight swimming shorts and suits are allowed. (shorts, bermudas and burkinis are forbidden).

Tight swimming shorts and suits allowed Shorts, bermudas and burkinis forbidden

For the parents or with friends, enjoy the picnic zones in the shadow, with a breathtaking view on the river and the cliffs of the Cirque de Gens!

3 )Over here, I accept new challenges!The nautic base offers you different watersports activities

Time flies at Isla Cool Douce!

Even for an hour, an afternoon or the whole day, you’ll have magnificent memories!

Canoe rent, waterbikes or Stand Up Paddles:

Would you like to test a different experience on the water?

The water surface is really calm in front of the beach, away from the rapids. You can enjoy and progress at your own pace!

We propose you a canoe, a waterbike or a stand up paddle for rent per half an hour or per hour.

For the little ones (as of 3 yrs old, accompanied by an adult, guarded by the lifeguards): rent a canoe on the calm waterfront in view of the lifeguards. This is a first touch, even before 7 years old, and before one can pretend to descent the Gorges de l’Ardèche!

Top of the billThe whole family enjoys a wonderful journey:
Some will do a canoe trip on their own, while others enjoy the water sports centre!

4 )Over here I really enjoy and amuse myself, on top of that I connect to nature

There’s just one message we want to share with you: we take it easy at Isla!
With family or friends, each one of us finds his way at Isla between rest and activities.

Relax and do nothing

On holiday I take a rest, I relax and I load my batteries

Everything is possible at Isla Cool Douce, it’s a magic place! Let yourself rock on the rithm of the river, listen to the singing of the cicadas and the breeze in the trees, or let yourself amaze by the beauty of the environment.

In the hammocks, on the hot sand, in the shadow away from the sun, you’ll have the choice!

You have differents spots at your disposal: deckchairs around the pools, on the natural beach, on the grass in the shadow, or enjoy the picnic tables on the terrace.

Fun and playgrounds

On vacation I let myself go and share the good moments with my close ones

On site you’ll find a child garden for the youngest ones and ping pong tables (we lend you the rackets and the balls).

It’s just right next the snackbar where you can watch them with a glance.

For the sportive ones: the beachvolley is waiting for you to enjoy memorable games!

In practice: Prices and opening hours of the nautic base

The most beautiful beach of the Ardèche
is expecting you
from July 1st to August 31th.

Continuous rain or thunderstorm may oblige us to close the park.

In this case please give us a ring.

The Park
Entrance €6 / person
Children (under 3 years old) Free
Family Card €50 / 10 entries
Groups / Camps 10 people (= 1 free instructor) €5  / person
Private parking €5
Canoes 1/2 hour: €10
1 hour: €15
Stand Up Paddle 1/2 hour: €10
1 hour: €15
Pedal boats 1/2 hour: €15
1 hour: €20

Means of payment

  • Cash
  • Checks
  • CB / Snack and
    online booking
The team

Advice of the team

The essential for a successful journey:

Waterbiking in front of the amazing Cirque de Gens, enjoy the Isla Burger, take a rest in the hammockS.

In practice

In July / August

  • Private parking (1 disabled space), secure and paying (€5)
  • Dogs prohibited on the Beach
  • Rock Jumps prohibited